Sell tickets online 24/7 from anywhere.

Share the link of your event page and ticket sale widget on your website. Also, you can share the link from our website with your social media handles. Email the invites personally to your target audience using our email marketing tool.

Start selling today

Over 12m clients all over the world.

Reviews are Important

We evaluate our performance with the love & reviews we get from our customers.

Highly Competitive Pricing

We offer reasonable prices, complete services, a dedicated support team, power-packed features, and unique event ticketing software.

Work for everyone

Whether it’s a big event or a charity function, you can rely on us.

Competent prices, easily accessible and no contracts

Focus on how to make your event successful without worrying about selling tickets.

Eventsmatic offers unbeatable prices that are comparatively reasonable from other online ticket platforms. Our team ensures to analyze the market rates and offer prices that are value for money.

Experience the classic and efficient way to sell tickets online.

We make it easy for event planning individuals & institutions.

We make it easy to set up your incredible box office. Customize your box office with our great variety of designs from our dashboard. Setting up your tickets takes a few minutes, and you don’t need any training for that.

Sell tickets for your first event easily with zero hassle.

Whether it is your first or 100th event, our event ticketing software makes sure you can create, promote, launch, and sell tickets for your event. Do all of this with zero hassle.

Managing guests never felt easier!

Yes, manage your clients using the easy-to-use features on our dashboard. Build your community and relationship using our communication tools. Engage your audience in creative ways and review their details on our dashboard.


Create and sell tickets for your event.

Easy-To-Use Interface

Our event ticketing software interface is user-friendly and easy to use. It takes a few minutes to register and build your (event) box office.

Create and Manage Your Event

Once you design your box office on our event management software, select a price package according to your requirement.

It’s time to sell all the tickets!

Sell tickets on your social media, website, or through our box office with secured payment gateways.

Eventsmatic is Trusted and Certified for all kinds of events.

We are certified and trusted Event management software for any event and venues, such as a stadium, private music venue, church, gala, concert hall, banquets, or countryside.

Our event management software gives flexibility to your business. Eventsmatic is easy-to-integrate event management software that targets increasing your revenue and maximizing your tickets sale.

Across the Globe, our clients send us feedback and reviews.

Customer Satisfaction is our first and only priority.

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Our ticketing platform is made for you - and loved by everyone.